European Regional Development Fund
Main objective of the project is strengthening the two hospitals‘ professional cooperation with the development of radiology through teleradiology. „TRAVEL OF THE RECORD INSTEAD OF THE PATIENT”;
Main objective of the project was strengthening the two hospitals‘ professional cooperation with the development of radiology through teleradiology. Implementation of the project was based on joint professional medical and IT cooperation of the Partners. Joint implementation was important, because a county hospital and a regional city hospital got the possibility for knowledge-sharing, and further developing the access for high-level healthcare. Human and IT resources are better utilized now; educational and scientific connections are improved.
The two hospitals‘ management had the aim to cooperate and help each other. The task was to deliver cost-effective and sustainable solutions. With teleradiological development professional encouragement and prime diagnostics are getting better, which ensures opportunities for professional consultation and cooperation.
As a result of the project both - Hungarian and Slovakian – partners are able to use teleradiology.
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Központi Kórház és Egyetemi Oktatókórház
3526 Miskolc, Szentpéteri kapu 72.-76.
244,575.60 €
Nemocnica s poliklinikou n.o. Kráľovský Chlmec
07701 Kráľovský Chlmec Nemocničná 8
121,032.30 €