

Building partnership!


Building partnership!

FUTURE IN HEMP - Manufacturing development based on the processing of hempseed

  • Call IDSKHU/1802
  • Priority AxisPromoting employment
  • Specific objective3.1 Decreasing employment inequalities among the regions with a view to improving the level of employment within the programming region
  • Registration No.SKHU/1802/3.1/019
  • Total Project budget291,428.80 €
  • Total ERDF awarded228,799.98 €
  • Project start date01 April 2020
  • Project end date31 March 2022
  • Website
  • Project statusClosed

The „FUTURE IN HEMP – Manufacturing development based on the processing of hemp seed” will be implementated by the Szatmár Nektárja Nonprofit Kft (Géberjén), PRC Invest Kft (Karos) and the small business of Csizmadia Timea-Julia (Veľký Horeš). All settlements are situated in small regions of the program area with several disadvantages. Employment possibilities in the villages are scarce therefore young people are moving away. The age structure is bad, the level of schooling is low, while the unemployment rate is high.
The Szatmár Nektárja Kft operates a small-scale oil mill and a handicraft pasta manufacturing plant. The Slovakian partner runs a handicraft textile manufacture and a vending facility. PRC Invest Kft is a newly established company seeing great future in industrial hemp products.
The global aim of the project is to expand the existing capacities as well as to produce and introduce new products in the Hungarian and Slovakian markets. An additional workplace will be generated at each firm in the result of capacity expansion. 
In the framework of the project, the oil extracting capacity will be expanded in Géberjén, where besides walnuts and pumpkin seeds, hemp seed oil will be produced. In addition, hulled hemp seeds, seed cream, protein powder and pasta enriched by protein powder, massage oil and facial cream are also to be produced. These products will significantly expand the existing product portfolio.
In Karos bio hemp tea, bio hemp seed oil, semi-finished CBD products and hemp briquettes will be produced.
In Veľký Horeš the workshop will move to another refurbished building and new, modern equipment will be acquired to improve productivity and cost-effectiveness. In the workshop, they will also produce unique pouches out of natural material for the Szatmár Nektárja Kft, which will strengthen the company's brand image. 
All companies will benefit from the cooperation and will strengthen the local economy while creating new jobs.

Related TAPE:



Lead Beneficiary / ERDF awarded

Szatmár Nektárja Szolgáltató és Értékesítő Nonprofit Kft.

4754 Géberjén, Kossuth Lajos u. 5.

88,267.58 €

Beneficiary 1 / ERDF awarded

PRC Invest Kft.

3943 Bodrogolaszi, Mátyás király 14.

113,532.40 €

Beneficiary 2 / ERDF awarded

Tímea Csizmadia – JÚLIA

076 52 Velký Horeš, Hlavná 341/58

27,000.00 €

Locations of investment

Oil mill and a handicraft pasta manufacturing plant

Handicraft textile manufacture and a vending facility

