European Regional Development Fund
Miskolc and Košice are regional industrial centers of the Hungarian-Slovakian border, which are linked by centuries of twinning. Recently, the 4th INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION has transformed the economy on both sides of the border, with rapid technological change and digitization in all sectors. A well-trained workforce is needed to improve the competitiveness of local economies. To this end, vocational training in both regions needs to be developed.
Within the project, the major technical vocational training schools in the two cities are developing professional cooperation to enable students in upper secondary education to enter the world of work with a higher level of professional knowledge and competences.
The most up-to-date tools and technologies must also appear in education. The biggest changes took place in the electronics, mechanical, IT sectors. Workshops, equipment and laboratories need to be developed in these areas. The development will include the purchase of robotic, computer-controlled machining machines and electronic training tools. Instructors undergo professional training. The project will assess the competencies of first-year students. The collaboration between the partners includes an INDUSTRY 4.0 workshop and competition, where schools share knowledge and experience.
Miskolci Szakképzési Centrum
3525 Miskolc, Széchenyi István utca 103.
168,639.49 €
Stredná odborná škola technická a ekonomická Jozefa Szakkayho
04001 Košice, Grešákova 1
144,071.31 €