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Building partnership!

National Authority published the Amendment no.2 to the De minimis aid scheme

National Authority published the Amendment no.2 to the De minimis aid scheme
SKHU news


The subject-matter of the amendment is, inter alia, an explanation how de minimis aid is provided under the Program. De minimis aid under the Program is provided by the Slovak Republic and Hungary in the share of 50% of the total approved de minimis aid to a beneficiary (Proportionality principle). Compliance with the maximum allowed ceiling of EUR 200,000 per beneficiary (single undertaking) over a period of 3 fiscal years is monitored on the level of Member State, it means that the beneficiary can receive de minimis aid up to EUR 400,000 (EUR 200,000 per each Member State).

Scheme DM - 11/2016, as amended, can be found here
