

Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Smart Communities

Smart Communities


The Smart Communities Project - a virtual education, research, development and innovation network in the Slovak-Hungarian border area started in May 2017 and will continue until the end of April 2019. The main objective of the project is to contribute to the strengthening of intellectual property in the disadvantaged cross-border area in southern Slovakia and northern Hungary through the establishment and dissemination of innovative cooperation structures as a practical implementation of social and ethnic innovation. The project brings real, practical alternatives and motivation for the implementation of radical innovations in various areas of development at the local level - economic, educational, community, professional and environmental, to the marginalized part of the population in the cross-border area (Nitriansky, Banskobystrický, Košický regions and Nograd region). 

Our concept assumes that the region can escape the unfavourable situation through implementing activities based on endogenous development and intelligent communities. The prioritized sectors of the project are education and research, development and innovation with a focus on sustainability and information and communication technologies. Throughout the project, we will build a network of civic partnerships, partnerships of educational and research institutions, and organize and implement within them joint professional programs, trainings and mentoring programs for the main target groups - residents of cross-border regions from children to retirees. The motivation and career day is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of Smart Communities project, No. SKHU/1601/4.1/210. The content of this press release does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union. 

The project consortium brings together 8 partners: 4 Hungarian institutions (Interindustria Knowledge Center Foundation, Salgótarján - Consortium Leader, Szent István Gödöllő University, Center for Economic and Regional Studies - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Pécs, Association for Renewable Countryside, Legénd) and 4 Slovak Institutions (e-Talentum Fiľakovo, Technical University of Košice, ASTRA - Association for Innovation and Development, Gymnazium Fiľakovo). 

One of the main activities of the project are Motivation and career days. They aim to extend and disseminate information about broad educational and working alternatives, as well as to provide various work and life examples and opportunities through real career models. 4th out of 5 Motivation and career days will be held on 23rd October at Orphanage Tornala in Banskobystricky region. We will approach the children of various age with 2 career models: Lucia Komornikova, project manager in IT and volunteer and Tomas Valkovsky, also project manager, capoeira trainer and laughter yoga trainer.

For further information please contact:
Iveta Orbanova
ASTRA - Zduženie pre inovácie a rozvoj 
Address: Letná 27, Košice, Slovakia
