

Building partnership!


Building partnership!

RE-HABILITATION project closing event - 2022/04/26 10:00

  • Date: -
  • Location: József Attila Művelődési Ház és Szabadidőközpont [József Attila Cultural and Leisure Centre] H-2628 Szob, Árpád u. 17.
  • Project acronym: RE-HABILITATION
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1802/3.1/042
  • Website:
  • Event organized by: Pontibus EGTC
  • Contact person: Popovics Gábor
  • Language of event: Hungarian
  • Interpretation: no
  • Registration is needed: yes

RE-HABILITATION project closing event



10:00 – 10:30
Opening speech, Presentation of the RE-START action plan

POPOVICS Gábor, director, Pontibus EGTC

10:30 – 11:00
Conclusions of social care courses implemented in RE-HABILITATION project
NÉMETH Gábor – director, Szent László High School, Vocational High School, Vocational Secondary School and Boarding School (Szob)
PÁPAI Mónika – teacher, Blanka Richtáriková -Kurz opatrovania (Štúrovo)

11:00 – 11:30
Presentation of the main topics of the social care courses, using the acquired knowledge in practice
GYÖNYÖR Lászlóné – senior nurse, Catholic Charity Service at St. Elizabeth 's Home in Ipolytölgyes
DR. HIRLING András – family doctor

11:30 – 11:55
Introduction of Hungarian Directorate-General for Social Affairs and the regional social care institutional system, opportunities and obstacles to cross-border social cooperation
GRÉCZI Sándor – deputy director, Hungarian Directorate-General for Social Affairs and Child Protection, Branch Office of Pest County

11:55 – 12:10
Questions & Answers
Closing speech
NÉMETH Gábor - director, Szent László High School, Vocational High School, Vocational Secondary School and Boarding School (Szob) as lead partner




Attached documents

RE-HABILITATION Invitation.pdf
2022-04-14 16:24:42
2022-04-14 16:24:42
